How to Apply
Undergraduate Studies
Graduate Studies


Beyond the Campus

Building your career

At NCAD we believe that creativity is at the heart of an entrepreneurial and innovative economy. NCAD degrees are designed to interact with the real world of Design, Fine Art, Education and the wider cultural and creative industries.

Studio+ | Visual Culture+
The Studio+ year is an additional optional year of study open to undergraduate students in Design, Fine Art and Visual Culture (Visual Culture+). It is an exciting opportunity to combine accredited work and/or study placements to build a bespoke learning experience in line with your particular skills and ambitions. Immersed in real-world work environments you will learn the skills and expertise to engage creatively with community and civic society and develop your practice across a range of commercial, cultural and social settings.

Accredited work and study programmes can be undertaken locally, including within NCAD design labs and micro studios, or with industry and educational partners internationally. Your tutors will guide you through the range of modules and options available and will help you in your decision. How it works – During the course of your second year you will be asked if you wish to participate in the Studio+/Visual Culture+ year. Towards the end of the year you will be asked to choose from a selection of modules over the course of two semesters to make up 60 credits in total for the year. The following options give an idea of what is on offer.

Design Industry Internship (based in industry)
(30 credits) Design Studio +

The School of Design continues to expand its network of industry partners which include high-profile international brands as well as locally-based companies such as:

  • Primark, Dublin
  • SAP Ireland
  • Graphic Mint, Dublin Pattern, London McCann, Dublin
  • Juvi Designers, Dublin Damn Fine Print, Dublin Fyodor Golan, London

Design Bureau (based in NCAD)
(30 credits) Design Studio+

A research-driven, campus-based studio managed and operated by students from across NCAD’s School of Design. Working on live industry and social projects, students are in a constant state of learning and experimentation.
Clients include:

  • Clean Coasts / SEA Sessions Festival Dublin Comic Arts Festival
  • St James's Hospital, Dublin
  • Tick Talk
  • Beach London
  • Everpress/ Jigsaw
  • Climate Case Ireland
  • Tribes Press

Design Engineering at UCD
(30 credits) Design Studio+

NCAD Product Design students can undertake a semester within the School of Engineering at UCD to develop technical skills and a firm foundation in design engineering.
Modules include:

  • Mechanical Engineering Design Medical Device Design
  • Materials Science & Engineering Professional Engineering Management Technical
  • Communications

Micro Studios
(30 credits) Fine Art Studio+

Based off-campus with access to NCAD technical facilities, you will work collaboratively through a micro studio exploring national and international studio models to build a structure and momentum that nourishes your creative work.

Art with Health & Well-being
(30 credits) Fine Art Studio+

Working within the purpose-built Creative Life Studio at Mercer’s Institute for Successful Ageing (MISA), St. James’ Hospital, you will be granted privileged access to develop artwork in relation to the hospital’s patients, staff and environs.

Communities of Interest and Place –
Rua Red/F2 Centre, Rialto (30 credits) Fine Art Studio+

Based in the F2 Centre at Rialto or Rua Red Art Centre Facility in Tallaght, you will develop artwork that responds to people and place. Both sites offer the potential to engage with visiting artists and exhibitions as well as aspects of curation and arts management.

Visual Culture Studies
(30 credits) Design Studio+ Fine Art Studio+

Develop your writing, research, presentation skills and acquire a deeper knowledge of art and design history and theory. Elective modules or specialist lectures include: The History of Modernism in Art and Design since the late C19th, Digital Culture Today or short term placements in arts organisations by negotiation.

Visual Culture + Internships
(30 credits) Visual Culture+

Semester-long placements within a museum, gallery, archive or commercial design company offer an opportunity to work alongside professionals on real projects and operations to learn how your interests translate in a commercial or cultural setting.

Radio NCAD – a New Media Platform
(30 credits) Design Studio+ Fine Art Studio+ Visual Culture+

Supported by media professionals, you will join students from across the college to create a live podcasting platform accessible to listeners anywhere in the world. You will develop production and software skills as well as confidence in editing, recording and content development.

International Study & Traineeships/Erasmus
(30/60 Credits) Design Studio+ Fine Art Studio+ Visual Culture+

The option to add an international dimension to your degree. Apply for a full academic year abroad with one of NCAD’s partner institutions or combine one semester exchange or traineeship with modules from Studio+/Visual Culture+. Funding grants are available to students through the Erasmus+ programme. Students who accumulate 240 ECTS credits over 4 years of undergraduate study (with a minimum of 30 ECTS credits taken abroad) are awarded a BA in Fine Art, Design or Visual Culture (International).